Sunday, 23 June 2019

RaaRaa-27 - Musa Janta

Some thousands of years back...

In the Kingdom of Masaka...

The King Biha came to know that neighboring kingdom was invaded by some foreign power called Krujan, many people were killed and state properties were looted.

The King called the minister and ordered him to spread a rumor in the border villages that there were a lot of tiger attacks in the area. Minister was surprised and asked for the reason. King explained in detail. Minister gave a smile and left the place.

After the people came to know about the tiger attacks, the villagers were very much afraid. Ministered assured them that nothing bad would happen to them. King has created new village setup for them. They just had migrate to the new villages. Villagers were not ready to leave the native villages initially but later agreed.

The King called his Mahapujak (Pujari/Priest) and asked him to make a large scale puja/jagyan(yajna/)worship so that God Raaga would help them to solve the issue of tiger attacks. Mahapujak asked "When you can solve the issue why to arrange such large scale puja for God Raaga?" King explained in detail. Mahapujak gave a smile and left the place.

The large scale puja happened. The citizens of Masaka kingdom prayed to Lord Raaga to help them come out of the danger of tiger attacks. The Mahapujak declared that as per Lord Raaga, 16 small scale temples would be built in the border villages and Lord Raaga's idol would be installed there but face of the idol would look like a tiger so that it would control the tigers.

The King called the architects and engineers and explained them about the design of the temples.
The construction process started...

The basic design...

The temple was not built of stones. Instead, iron was used and some technology was put into place.
There were 6 iron pillars on each side of building. On the ground, the structure looked normal. But there
was a long shaft-like cylindrical structure under the ground. The base of the pillars were tied to the shaft-like structure with iron chains. There were two handles by which the shaft could be rotated.

The 16 temples were decorated with the most valuable metals, ornaments etc and were filled with a lot of valuables. After that, the King Biha and all his architects, engineers, soldiers left the villages and came back to the city. The stage was all set for the drama.

For quite some time, there were letters/orders from the invader Kingdom Krujan (who invaded the neighboring Kingdom) to surrender. King Biha sent his messenger with the note that they would surrender.

The invaders arrived the border villages. They entered the temples and started looting.

The Masakan soldiers hiding underground, started rotating the handles of the shaft-like structure. With the rotation, the irons chains started getting twisted around the shaft and the pillars of temples were pulled which resulted breaking the joints between the pillars and the roof. The roof collapsed and the invaders inside the temples and those who climbed the roof to destroy, were mostly killed.

A sound came... Jai Masaka...
It was the voice of King Biha. He was watching all these. Then the King and the Masakan soldiers finished the remaining soldiers of the invader Kingdom in few hours.

To note:
Musaa means mouse/rat -> The invader Kingdom Krujan
Jantaa means cage (here, the cage to catch rats) -> The 16 Temples
Food to attract the rats -> Valuable metals and ornaments

***Fictional Story***

Ashish Kumar Nayak
Ashish Sarangi

RaaRaa-26 - The Buffer State

Some thousand years ago….
In the kingdom of Masaka….
There was a king named Nagantuka. He was very powerful and try to capture the whole landmass. His army was very powerful and comprised of lions, bulls, bears, snakes etc.
One day Nagantuka called his minister, Nagaku. Both made a plan to conquer the entire landmass. Slowly slowly they won the entire landmass. In the north part of that landmass there was mighty hills. Those hills played like a natural boundary. Nagantuka named them “Nagahimpa”. In the southern tip of landmass there was a mighty sea. Nagantuka named that as “Nagasi”. In the middle of that landmass, there was also a mountain range which was spread from one end to another end which was named as “Nagendragiri”, by Nagantuka. Nagendragiri was the actual boundary of Masaka kingdom. It was due to proper war planning of Nagantuka and Nagaku that they won the entire landmass. Nagantuka shifted his capital from Masakanagari to Nagapuri city, which was exactly in the middle of that landmass. He also established Nagasara city, near Nagahimpa and Nagatam city near Nagasi. He built a lot of temples of lord Raaga in those cities with the best architecture.
Beyond Nagahimpa hills, some dangerous persons lived. There tribes were known as Ajryapa. They all were tall and whitish in the complexion, having long beard. They were animal hunters and did not have any knowledge about traditional living. They ate animals and drank their blood. That was the only thing they do to survive. Namuma, a 26 year old man, was different from his tribe. He always had lot of anxiety to know about the civilisation beyond the hills. One day, Namuma, crossed the Nagahimpa and came to Nagasara city. He was surprised to see how systematic the city was, with lots of big farming lands, ponds, rivers, lakes etc. He travelled up to Nagendragiri. He thought that there was nothing beyond those hills. So he returned back to his homeland and share his experiences with his own people. They all were surprised to know about such a place and they decided to migrate. But how that was their man problem and what they will do in that area. Namuma made a plan that they will migrate in three lots. And when all of them were there, they will attack that area. Since they all were animal hunters, it will not be a problem for them to kill those civilised human beings. One fine day, Namuma along with 200 persons crossed the Nagahimpa hills. As per the plan, second and third migration happened after 15 days. In second lot, 1000 persons migrated and in third lot 5000 persons migrated. Within a month, all Ajryapas were migrated to Nagasara city and surrounding areas. They all mixed with local inhabitants initially but after six months, they started implementing their own strategies.
Beyond the Nagasi sea there was also a big landmass. That landmass was surrounded by sea and densely populated. That civilisation was also a big one. The name of that country was Lramia. They all were highly civilised and they know the traditional means of living. They also had farmlands, rivers, lakes and all those hilly mountains. They were also, well aware of Nagantuka and his army. They established good relationship with Nagantuka. All the things were going smoothly in Lramia but one day, an earthquake happened and divided Lramia into two parts. And within few hours tsunami occurred and almost half of their civilisation along with landmass submerged into the sea. Those who survived were standing helpless. They made a sudden plan of migration to Nagatam city. For this they also send an official letter to Nagantuka. Nagaku warned but Nagatunka allowed them to make establishments in Nagatam city and surrounding areas.
The migration took place from both the sides. Nagaku was very much worried. He internally prepared his army for all kinds of war. Lramians were very clever. They came to know about how Nagantuka won the entire landmass with his army. So they mixed with those different states. The same thing was done by the Namuma and Ajrypas. They killed the original inhabitants and pushed them back to Nagendragiri. Within few days war was declared from both the sides. That war was the most deadliest war in the history of human mankind. Ajrypas conquered the area till Nagendragiri. The Lramians also conquered the southern parts upto Nagendragiri. Nagantuka died in that war and his son Nagaputa was declared as the new king by Nagaku. Nagaputa shifted his capital again to Masakanagari as the war was still going on. Masakans fought bravely but they were depressed due to loss of their mighty king. After some days Nagaku also died. Masakans lost that war and Nagaputa came back to Masakanagari. That time was one of the most toughest time for him. The sad part was that he lost his father and Nagaku. But the good thing was that the original Masaka was still remain unconquered by the invaders.
Namuma was made king by the Ajryapas. He was a real barbarian. He killed the original inhabitants and those who survived came back to Masaka. In the southern portions of that landmass, Lramians selected Tholambuka as their new king.
Original Masaka state was untouched by the invaders and from that day onwards it served as the BUFFER STATE between the north and south to till date.

Ashish Sarangi
Ashish Kumar Nayak

Saturday, 8 June 2019

RaaRaa-25 - The Illusion - Part2 [Anatha]

Long ago...

In the Kingdom of Masaka...

The King was Jatamanu-II...

The chief architect was Ajaketu-1 and the chief engineer was Ajaketu-2...


In a village Dachaka, there lived a potter named Pagaidua. He was an expert in making pottery. Because of his skills, he was famous in his village as well as the nearby villages. When he built his house, he used some technique like using a paste (invented by him) and then heating it at such temperature that it would last long. He used to make small mud-plates and write all his findings and then burn it to make it stronger.

Pagaidua's wife was Pachidei and they had only one son named Nathua. Nathua used to study in
school and help his father in the pottery making. He slowly started learning the art.

Time passed...

One day, Pagaibua and Pachidei were outside their house and there was sudden thunderstorm and lightening which killed both of them. Son Nathua cried a lot but could not do anything! Cruel time took his parents away from him and Nathua became "Anatha (orphan)".

It was the time when Nathua had to survive on his own. So he continued with the pottery work.
One day while cleaning the house, he found the mud-plates on which his father wrote something.
He started reading those. To his surprise, he father wrote how to build disaster-proof houses.
He started implementing the concepts by constructing small houses and later bigger ones too.
Slowly he became famous throughout because of the unique talent. Instead of "Nathua", his name was spread among the people as as "Anatha".


In one of the earlier blogs, there was mention of the water-proof disaster-management cylindrical constructions. Please read here .
The King Jatamanu-II called for a meeting. The chief architect Ajaketu-1, the chief engineer  Ajaketu-2 and other scientists came to the King. King discussed about the water-proof disaster management houses.


Ajaketu-1 and Ajaketu-2 were not sure how to make such buildings. So, they started searching throughout the Kingdom to find such person who can build such water-proof houses. One day they saw the houses built by Anatha. They were really surprised. They met him and offered him a job and to work with them. Anatha was very very happy.

Anatha worked very well, guided the other workers and completed the water-proof houses.
Ajaketu-1 and Ajaketu-2 were very happy with this.
But...They never told anything to the King about Anatha.
Somehow the King came to know about a third person (Anatha) who is behind all the work.
King called for Ajaketu-1 and Ajaketu-2 and asked them about Anatha. But they lied and didnt say anything about Anatha.

Ajaketu-1 and Ajaketu-2 were very much tensed as all the credit would go to Anatha and they might lose their positions as cheif architect and chief engineer.

The very next day, Anatha was missing. No one ever saw him after that.

Thousands of years passed...

Many folk stories were created about Anatha but none of the stories mention anything about where he went missing.

Ashish Kumar Nayak
Ashish Sarangi